Status & Progress Update 01

Status and progress update from group Curi Tulang (so everyone else is in the know):

They have put down the deposit to manufacture their carpet, but yet for their steel parts. They are managing the carpet deposit of RM1300 by themselves, but will dip into the "trust fund" that Chian and I have set-up for RM750 deposit for the steel components (this is tentative to discussion among the other four approved groups, of course.)

Both main components of the design are scheduled for completion of manufacturing and thus transport on the 18th of November. Once on-site, the group will take three days assembling their piece meaning that the official completion date for Curi Tulang falls on November 20.

Minor issues they have encountered in the last few days include a minor change to the cost of manufacturing (but due to their soft skills, they have managed to waiver the cost of transportation) thus bringing their total cost to RM3750 as opposed to RM3222 before.

Well done guys!

Ps. did I miss anything out? Do share/correct!


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