Latest Updates /// Client Reactions 02

In lieu of client requirements and concerns towards submission date, here are some updates.

- Conteng /// Client has decided to build your piece. Just ensure you obtain the paint by next week.

- Loft /// Need updates from your group. Clients excited with their first ever carpet piece. Looking for more. Volunteers?

- Visual Phenomenon /// Still awaiting your group's conviction on whether this is good to go? Pamela/Kartigha, Are you both still interested in this? We have agreed to split ShiQi up from the group for the following weeks. Sort this out by Friday please.

- Ben[t]ch /// Updates please on how far you have gone, no more costing; How long will this take to build? [Friday]

Refinements Required and Resubmission ready by Thursday.

- Origami /// Client mentioned their concern on the piece being too sharp edged.
You need to prove it is seat-able. Suggest you test this heavily with Anthropometric drawings. Test 1:1 edges and document them. Will revert to client on this by Friday, so please have these ready ASAP.

- Famine /// Refinements (please remember the client's comments! )I think we all need to realise these chairs need a level of comfort too! Resubmission by this Friday.

Design revision and Resubmission by Thursday.

- Growth /// Resubmit Full Design Proposition. Ensure Communal siting strategy and buildablility is preserved. Could a a big piece made up of a few smaller vertically variant boxes.

- Pandora Box /// As discussed, submit all design propositions, will let client have a choide.

- In-Ex /// Resubmit plywood variant. Full scale understanding of materials and potential of 'poetry' in some form required on surfaces.

Prototyping and 1:1 Submission by Friday

- Slant /// Ensure you build 1 part of the 6 by Friday. Will submit outcome to client.

- Plastic Bench /// Needs to pull of a miracle. Am completely nervous and worried for your group, we need to see something and critically a small part of your bench this Friday or we might have to pull the plug on your proposal. You will be required then to build a replica bench.

All teams are encouraged to prototype key junctions, difficult challenging details before construction.


Bos. said...

RE: Ben[+]ch

The time frame is as written in the time line.

The costing still varies because in assurance of the manufacturer's recommendation, I still opted for a slightly thicker metal piece because I'm not convinced that the metal won't sag with the number of people sitting on it.

I am meeting up with the manufacturer again tomorrow to confirm some of the concerns and the construction can begin as soon as everything is confirmed.


sA | Chian Quah said...

Good stuff Bosco.
Any other reactions guys/girls?

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