Final Evaluation Sheet

Dear Benchmakers,

We believe in self development. Even to the core. For this final assessment, we want your feedback on yourselves. A reflection. Your failings. But predominantly and prominently, your successes. Tell your story:

At this point, half of the group has not completed their work. This is unfortunate, but it is worth a dialog, as part of the learning process. Alright, final bench submission is on Dec 2, Friday 3.00pm at the Timber Lab. Nothing later, as marks must go through the university's system, but this evaluation must still be passed in on the aforementioned dates.


RealmOfMK said...

sir, do we have to do it creatively(layout)?
I thought it will be a simple/clear A4 piece of essay style self evaluation? no?

sA | Chian Quah said...

simple and clear please.
BTW, it is meant for each student to deliver one, each having personalised and carefully articulated views.
Not 1 feedback per group.

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