Upfdate:Growth-by Wilse Lam Chin Siang.Lee Joon Hong, Feridson

Above are the photos of the bench.The bench is almost done, left finishes and some touch up.We will send the bench to Publika at this Friday together with Joe Yee's bench.thank you
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Update: In-Ex---Complete!

 In-Ex by JoeYee, Bikram, Harshil

Below and on the left are some photos of the final product, tested to be stable. As for the finishes, no finishes is applied as the cost for finishes is quite high. Finishes will be applied if requested by the client during submission day, if the client wants to buy it that is..

Transportation to publika on friday (2th Dec) have been arranged, together with Growth.

Some progress photos

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Updates, housekeeping.


The evaluation sheets provide deep insight into your processes. It is an automatically created journal/reflective write-up. Each student has to deconstruct their time throughout the semester and decipher their thoughts on it. Critically, ask yourselves, what would you have done differently?
-The best universities around the world preach the design journal, and so should you. So please submit them. Origami did a brochure alongside, which I thought was a nice touch.

Some updates.
Slant - Please release your scheme made up of 6 pieces and also 3 pieces that make up the hexagonal composition to MAP.
Conteng - Where is the PAINT guys??!!
Visual P - You need to start to be more reflexive with the clients IMMEDIATELY. Can you please respond to their suggestions without being defensive?
The above, please revert to Publika.

Famine - Faminize, more.
Woodwork Boys Club - Some intriguing outcomes already. Don't let up.
Pandora's Box is almost there, I suggest you send through some coloured up Sketchup imagery 1st to us for some opinions, post it up?. Butterfly and In-Ex, W.I.P?
MingYang, we'll need to know where on earth is your group?

Officially Friday, Dec2 is the last day we will be accepting furniture.
If possible, please arrange for them to reach Publika by 4.00pm.
-I suggest all of you figure out what coordinating group transportation is.
Many students are afraid this bench will affect their preparations for their design submissions and exams. You see, if there was an extension, then there will be further dilly-dallying. Check again our proposed dates for your submission, yeah, Nov 3rd. Then Nov 18th. We provisioned heavily for these weeks, for you. Did you believe so? No.

Today I saw 2 benches and some rods of a bench up in total. -I assume one day you would like to design big buildings, right? This is only a bench, and there's 3 of you to 1 bench! Every bench has gone off budget and not many are making it on time, I wish you could all explain it in the evaluation sheets. If you have suggestions, queries or even anger for me and/or Shyn, please include. I'd like to know why and how this unit can be better.

Visited the curi-tulang posse today at Publika and they have been working flat out for many many days. The piece looks like its taking shape; all great things need great teams of people to help realise.

This is an official shout-out for some kindness and help.

If anyone has some time to spare and is free today 24th Nov 2011 and 25th Nov 2011, please contact them. They will truly, truly appreciate your kind hand.

I spoke to Jo-Lene extensively today and I personally am impressed with her/their patience + support with us through it all. Critically, they are very pleased with your contributions as well. We can't thank them enough, really.

We also chatted about the major exhibition, probably around early-mid January when I get back to KL. They have already alerted the Star to cover us, so practice your design interview skills and start researching awesome graphics/marketing brochures for it too during the break.

Meanwhile, the aforementioned groups, please revert to us on your piece by email or by the blog, try not to keep silent, you are not completely by your own.


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Feedback from Client

Hi gang,

When replying emails on budget, please click REPLY ALL so that I don’t have to track 5 different threads of emails to get an update, terima kasih.

1. Bencth – RM2000

2. Origami – RM4300

3. Curi Tulang – RM4000

3 out of 5 groups have exhausted RM10,300 of the RM11,300.00 allocated for cost.

You will have to dig into the total RM4000 artist fee to make up for marked increase in cost.

We will not be absorbing anymore budget overruns. Other benches will have to with allocated RM2400.00 for cost.

The exception was given to Origami because they were the first and unique to its design, the number of units commissioned an be considered as 2 benches.

And for Curi Tulang because we had committed to the concept and consider it as a bench cum installation piece.

And now for a personal note from the grouchy coordinator…

· Bencth team – Great job. You delivered on time, within budget, and satisfactory workmanship. In this case playing it safe paid off.

· Origami team – Thanks for delivering so early. Stellar idea but poor workmanship at jointing resulting in end product not quite like representation.

· Curi Tulang – Pressure is on you now to produce a bench+installation piece that justifies going over budget J

· When you all presented proposal most of your benches were under RM1000…. Tsk tsk tsk
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Suppose Design Office


Please be aware, a superb young Japanese architect is in town speaking tonight at UCSI Cheras. One of our favorites, and he makes furniture too if I am not mistaken.


See you guys there.

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Story of the origami bench

Well, we decided to made the final bench evaluation into a fold-able brochure. Story on the front, folding layout on the back.
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BEN[+]CH Revamped ! 20/11/2011

Dear all,
As promised, we are back!
Photos communicate better than words so...yea. i shall let the photos do the rest of the explanations.

Final touch ups before delivery(8.30am)


Arrival of clients(11.10am)

Last but not least, a group photo with the clients =)
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Update: In-Ex and Growth

Update on
In-Ex by Joe, Bikram and Harshil
Growth by Chin Siang, Joon Hong and
Both our groups(timber groups), 'In-Ex' and 'Growth' had decided to proceed with our bench making using timber at the carpenter workshop at Puchong Perdana, the workshop same as 'Pandora Box''s.

We had already discussed with the carpenter yesterday. The carpenter agreed with the making of both benches. We will be paying the expenses by ourselves.

Estimated time of completion of both bench mentioned by the carpenter is in 2 weeks time from yesterday, which is exactly 2th Dec.

As for the wood finishes, we had decide to use wood coat to give it a dark wood texture, but will further decided upon seeing the final product.

We will be arranging our own transportation of our benches to the workshop upon completion, hopefully before 2 Dec.
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Pandora box progress

The box is almost finish, we are changing the material since the carpenter said he need a slightly thicker timber for the hinges.

Rehan has tried to sit on it and confirmed that it is stable. the carpenter use cip board as the material and the formica as the finisher.

Now, the next progress is just paint it.
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Final Evaluation Sheet

Dear Benchmakers,

We believe in self development. Even to the core. For this final assessment, we want your feedback on yourselves. A reflection. Your failings. But predominantly and prominently, your successes. Tell your story:


At this point, half of the group has not completed their work. This is unfortunate, but it is worth a dialog, as part of the learning process. Alright, final bench submission is on Dec 2, Friday 3.00pm at the Timber Lab. Nothing later, as marks must go through the university's system, but this evaluation must still be passed in on the aforementioned dates.
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Time Lapse Video Documentation

Dear all,

The link below is what I trust to be a time-lapse video of works from the Masters of Architecture students in Melbourne University as they built their 1:1 parametric designed installation.

I say 'trust' because the computers in uni won't allow me to view it for some reason. I'll check it later to make sure that it is indeed the video I have in mind to share with you.

Nevertheless, do have a click and a view and let it inspire to ways of creatively and inspiringly documenting your design process and product.


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Updates on the Slant

We have been in contact with Nani over the last couple of weeks through email to inform her of the new quotation of our bench and a slight change to the choice of material from plywood to balau,reason being, plywood doesnt weather well outdoors. We will be meeting her tomorrow to further discuss on the quotation as she felt that the cost of the bench could be lowered and would like to suggest to us a few options.Hopefully we will get a confirmation from her tomorrow.
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This is dedicated to the ephemeral curi tulang team. Hope to see this sort of thing up.
And, our specialist timber makers. I hope you will let your creative energies burst through this week at the timber labs this week.
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Updates 13/11/11 : BEN[T]CH

Finally, our bench has entered Publika this morning. Carrying the piece into the mall was really a disaster. We'd limited manpower and that leads to one of the clients helping us transporting the beast to site.


In less than 30mins or so, sadly....the bench left the mall. Reason being, there are still some minor touching up on the welding seams. Ms Nani prefer it to be a little more seamless (well, it is quite obvious right now) and the front seat to be a little flatter as it is slightly 'tapered'.

2 photos that i've managed to snap within the 30mins time before the benTch is being carried away. :/

I guess our very first cute little customer enjoyed sitting on it =)

The BenTch is in a makeover right now BUT i have the confidence that it WILL make a stunning comeback.

Stay tuned ;)

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Someone Fix This Blog's Outlook.


I nominate Origami group, they are done & freeeee, if you guys want an A+, this would be the chance..! Anyone else?
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The benches have been delivered to Publika this morning. However, there are some refinement to do on the 1 seater bench as it doesnt work well in smooth flooring. The 1 seater bench will be joining one of the 2 seater benches making into 3-3-2 seater origami benches. As so, we need another rm240 for the refinement work later on.
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Ben[+]ch Updates 8/11/11

Hi,we're back for more updates n photos.
1stly and for most, we are glad to inform u guys that the construction of the model is finally completed. =D

2ndly, it is still not coated yet and we have visited the factory today to understand more about it.
Based on what we've learned from him(Mr David from Alloy Gallery),there are 2 colour choices for the powder coating available(grey and black) whereas the glossy oil coating will retain the look of the metal piece(which is currently a little rusty).

To begin with, the powder coating will raise the cost by a little.(by RM100 or so) wondering if it is okay or not. 2ndly, we have decided to make it black as it will look cooler,sleek and cleaner.(photos below)

Grey ,Black powder coated sample.the background texture is the current look of the bench.

Seamless welding. it really worked(the welded parts are smooth and unnoticeable except for the colour difference)

Below are more photos of the current piece. We tested and proven that the bench is stable and strong even when the workers sat at the most vulnerable part. =P

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