Feedback from Client

Hi gang,

When replying emails on budget, please click REPLY ALL so that I don’t have to track 5 different threads of emails to get an update, terima kasih.

1. Bencth – RM2000

2. Origami – RM4300

3. Curi Tulang – RM4000

3 out of 5 groups have exhausted RM10,300 of the RM11,300.00 allocated for cost.

You will have to dig into the total RM4000 artist fee to make up for marked increase in cost.

We will not be absorbing anymore budget overruns. Other benches will have to with allocated RM2400.00 for cost.

The exception was given to Origami because they were the first and unique to its design, the number of units commissioned an be considered as 2 benches.

And for Curi Tulang because we had committed to the concept and consider it as a bench cum installation piece.

And now for a personal note from the grouchy coordinator…

· Bencth team – Great job. You delivered on time, within budget, and satisfactory workmanship. In this case playing it safe paid off.

· Origami team – Thanks for delivering so early. Stellar idea but poor workmanship at jointing resulting in end product not quite like representation.

· Curi Tulang – Pressure is on you now to produce a bench+installation piece that justifies going over budget J

· When you all presented proposal most of your benches were under RM1000…. Tsk tsk tsk


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