Updates 13/11/11 : BEN[T]CH

Finally, our bench has entered Publika this morning. Carrying the piece into the mall was really a disaster. We'd limited manpower and that leads to one of the clients helping us transporting the beast to site.


In less than 30mins or so, sadly....the bench left the mall. Reason being, there are still some minor touching up on the welding seams. Ms Nani prefer it to be a little more seamless (well, it is quite obvious right now) and the front seat to be a little flatter as it is slightly 'tapered'.

2 photos that i've managed to snap within the 30mins time before the benTch is being carried away. :/

I guess our very first cute little customer enjoyed sitting on it =)

The BenTch is in a makeover right now BUT i have the confidence that it WILL make a stunning comeback.

Stay tuned ;)


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