Money money money.

Dear bench designers who have been buzzing Jo Lene frivolously,

Could you please provide a consolidated breakdown of the figures so far.
I suggest you email them across to Shyn.

Jo lene motioned that she would be passing through a very generous early release of 50% of the total cost. This should help many groups to cover deposits.

Also, please fix in a final date for completion of your benches. I suggest that in 2 weeks time, around 17th /18th nov, it would be brilliant if the benches could be delivered to MAP altogether.



RealmOfMK said...

Sir,just left with the anti rust coating and our bench is done already.(Ben[+]ch).It is super heavy (needs more than 8 men to move that thing but the good thing is, he'll provide us with transportation service to MAP. (we need to carry it ourselves from there)

The question is, can we transport the piece to MAP at an earlier date? coz its not really good to leave our piece there in their factory for that long and anything might happen to it.

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