
We shall not hide our dismay, there has not been sufficient commitment from some teams on this benchmaking. It is a little sad as this was set up to harness your creativity (only).

Tomorrow, me & Shyn would be releasing a set of requirements, for Friday's presentation to the client. This time, your work has to be posted on the blog by 4pm Thursday, or at least drafts, on that evening itself, or we would need to contact the client to establish the sad news. Two issues here; it gives us just enough time to assess the situation then but more importantly, if you had your boards destroyed somehow, on your way to the presentation, there is at least a backup somewhere in the world!
- Sorry, but we are dealing with very realistic issues here.

I am thinking along the lines of perhaps each group requiring at least 5 x A3's boards mounted on foamcore. A 1:10 ish model for us to look professional enough this Friday to present. I shall release an Indesign template tomorrow for the groups who need a template..
- all this subject to Shyn's approval and also your consent, so start posting!



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